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Jondishapour Projects

You can see several Jondishapour projects here. For more information about projects go to Project menu.

Storage tanks Construction Project in Isfahan & Mashad (EPC)

Storage tanks Construction Project in Isfahan & Mashad (EPC)

This project was initially identified by public bid notification in 2006, then considering technical experiences in this field, by attending mentioned bid, its expertise primary studies was started.

Abadan Refinery

Abadan Refinery

This phase, the important part of which are cat crackers (gasoline production), enjoys significant attention.

Hengam Gas Refinery

Hengam Gas Refinery

Hengam Structure is a large elongated N-S trending anticline located in the Strait of Hormuz in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf. Approximately 80% of the field lays in Iranian territorial waters and the rest is extended into the Oman offshore area.

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